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The GOII is a knowledge hub for everyone interested in organizational integrity. We publish integrity insights and news on a regular basis and take part in interesting events.

Book publications

As an expert in organizational integrity we share our knowledge in book publications.

New guard rails for Volkswagen

2015, Wolfsburg. Diesel scandal. In the wake of it, Volkswagen needed one thing above all: "New guard rails for Volkswagen." The book of the same name, edited by Hiltrud D. Werner, Member of the Board of Management for Integrity and Legal Affairs, describes the comprehensive process launched in 2015 to establish and embed a renewed corporate culture within the Group that is increasingly focused on integrity and compliance. One challenge that Volkswagen quickly faced was how to make progress in the area of integrity measurable and verifiable in concrete terms. The Integrity Index®, which Dr. Katja Nagel, GOII Founder and Managing Partner, describes in her book chapter "Measuring instead of assuming: the Integrity Index®," provides the answer. With its 360-degree approach, it is the world's first instrument for the holistic measurement of organizational integrity in companies - fact- and perception-based, as well as audit-proof. The Integrity Index® was also able to prove its usefulness in the context of Volkswagen's monitoring mandate, which was successfully completed in 2020.

Read the full chapter on the Integrity Index® here (pdf)

You can also order the full book here:




Press publications

As an expert in organizational integrity we publish articles in specialized journals and give interviews on current developments in the press.

Successfully preventing compliance violations

Integrity is not only becoming increasingly important in our digitalized and networked business world but is also a success factor for companies. Katja Nagel, Managing Director of the newly founded Global Organizational Integrity Institute (GOII), talks in her article "Successfully preventing compliance violations" about the possibility of measuring integrity in a company using the Integrity Index, systematically improving it and thus preventing violations.

Please be aware that the article was published in a German magazine and is, therefore, in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Compliance-Verstößen erfolgreich vorbeugen“, S. 8, in: Platow Brief, Nr. 59, 27.05.2020,


Integrity as critical success factor – the Volkswagen case

Both Mr. Tobias Heine, head of Together4Integrity at Volkswagen, and integrity expert Dr. Katja Nagel talk about the pilot phase of the Integrity Index and the Integrity Perception Workshop at Volkswagen Group in their co-written article. They give deep insights into the two methods of measuring integrity and their implementation, as well as integrity management in Europe's largest group.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja/ Heine, Tobias: „Integrität wird zum kritischen Erfolgsfaktor“, in: Haufe, 27.05.2020,


In times of crisis, like Corona, integrity matters

Especially in difficult times, such as Corona or an imminent recession, the integrity of managers and employees is crucial. Katja Nagel, Managing Director of the GOII, explains how using 10 levers can anchor integrity in a company. Only a company with integrity will be well positioned in the future.

Please be aware that the article was published in a German magazine and is, therefore, in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „In der (Corona-)Krise zählt Integrität“, S. 12, in: Compliance-Berater, Juni 2020,


Fairness makes soccer possible in the first place

Integrity and compliance are an integral part of all areas of life, in the workplace, in private life, and also in soccer. So what happens on the pitch is not all that different from what goes on in companies. Here as there, players are confronted with issues of integrity, and in both cases, behaving with integrity pays off, as Dr. Katja Nagel explains in her Börsen-Zeitung article "Fairness makes soccer possible in the first place".

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Fairness macht den Fußball erst möglich“, in: Börsen-Zeitung, 10.06.2020,


Integrity is opportunity and risk in times of crisis

Even today the term "integrity" is quite complex – even complicated – to get one’s head around. In crisis situations, such as Corona, integrity is challenged once again. Katja Nagel, founder of the GOII, recently wrote an article on this topic: Integrität als Chance und Risiko in Krisenzeiten (In times of crisis, integrity can be seen as an opportunity and a risk). She addresses which success factors integrity management has, how integrity in companies can reach different levels of maturity, what the benefit of a developed corporate integrity is, and the impact Corona is having on corporate integrity in general. The full article was published in the August edition, in the German magazineCompliance Berater

You can access it here in German (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: “Integrität als Chance und Risiko in Krisenzeiten“, S. 289-293, in: Compliance-Berater 08/2020, 29.07.2020,



Integrity is about leadership

Especially in times of crisis, integrity in leadership is not only reflected in the decisions made, but also in the way decisions are made and communicated to employees. To find out what central role HR plays in strengthening a culture of integrity and whether behavior with integrity can be learned, read the new article by Dr. Katja Nagel.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Integrität ist Führungsarbeit“, in: HR Journal, 29.07.2020,

The virus and the values

The Corona virus is not only challenging the economic success of companies but also our value system. After all, how decently do companies behave in a crisis? How exemplary are they in dealing with difficulties? Katja Nagel, Managing Director of the GOII, talks in her article "The virus and values” about why integrity is currently becoming more and more important and what measures every company should take to display successful value management.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Unternehmensführung: Das Virus und die Werte“, in: Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung, 07.08.2020,


Corona crisis - Integrity as the basis for successful action

A company's success depends to a large extent on sustained and reliably practiced integrity - in times of crisis more than ever. This is not just about the personal integrity of each individual, but also about the organizational integrity of a company. After all, they are a reflection of our society. In times of Corona, companies can stand for the best values of our society: Responsibility, solidarity and integrity. In her article in the “Zeitschrift für Unternehmensjuristen”, published in September 2020, Katja Nagel explains what functions integrity fulfills and what levers successful integrity management needs.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Corona-Krise - Integrität als Basis erfolgreichen Handelns", in: ZUJ - Zeitschrift für Unternehmensjuristen, Ausgabe 5/2020 (September), S. 60-63,


Integrity and Compliance for sustainable improvement of organizational culture - institute founded

German legislation is currently developing a new corporate criminal law. It is therefore all the more important for companies to create a culture that effectively contributes to crime prevention. Dr. Katja Nagel, founder of the GOII, explains how this can be achieved in an interview with the business editorial staff of Erich Schmidt Verlag". The interview was published in October, on the websites of and

Please be aware that the interview is devided in two parts and was conducted in German.

Read the interview here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: “Integrität und Compliance für nachhaltige Verbesserung der Unternehmenskultur – Institut gegründet“, in: ESV and compliancedigital, 05.10.2020,


Strengthen integrity, prevent crime

The topic of integrity is receiving new impetus from a new legislative initiative that aims to make companies more accountable for white-collar crime. While most companies are already well-positioned in terms of their compliance management systems, there is often still a great deal of helplessness when it comes to the issue of integrity. Yet, a strong culture of integrity is the best prevention. Integrity provides orientation even in gray areas. Katja Nagel addresses this topic in the December issue of comply in her article "Strengthening integrity, preventing criminal acts".

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Integrität stärken, Straftaten vorbeugen“, in: Comply, December 2020 (4/2020),

Germany: Controversial "strengthening of integrity" in the economy

German lawmakers are currently working on a plan to combat white-collar crime more effectively. To this end, the German government has presented a draft called "Act to Strengthen Integrity in Business". The new draft places even greater obligations on companies and acting persons. It provides for heavy fines of up to 10 percent of annual sales in the event of violations. This means that if companies cannot prove that they have a sound integrity and compliance management in place, they will be liable in case of a breach of the law. Integrity plays a key role in conjunction with a company's own compliance management system. In her latest article, published in Compliance Praxis, Katja Nagel addresses this highly topical issue.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Deutschland: Umstrittene "Stärkung der Integrität" in der Wirtschaft", in: Compliance Praxis, Ausgabe 4/2020, S. 42, 01.12.2020,

Developing corporate culture: How to make the change in values work

Many people believe that a change in values must start at the top of the company - but there are two limitations, especially when it comes to far-reaching changes such as the renewal of corporate culture: firstly, people overlook the fact that important role models in companies are not always just executives; secondly, there is still a perception that change is none of the business of "normal" employees. Katja Nagel explains in her article "Developing corporate culture: How to make the value shift work" at how the change can succeed.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Unternehmenskultur entwickeln: So klappt es mit dem Wertewandel“, in: Talente Magazin, 04.12.2020,

The attitude makes the difference

Today most companies have an individual compliance management system. In this context, integrity plays an extremely important role; in a sense, it is the individuals' autopilot. Because this common understanding of values always comes into play when there are no rules or laws for the specific individual case, rules contradict each other, or there is room for interpretation. Thus, integrity very successfully flanks law-abidingness and CMS. Learn more about this topic in Katja Nagel’s new article "Die Haltung macht's", published in the German Datev Magazin.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Die Haltung macht’s“, in: Datev-Magazin, 21.12.2020,

Why startups need to take integrity, values and morality more seriously

Since the outbreak of the Corona-pandemic the entire German economy has been put to test, startups being no exception to the rule. Rules and regulations may not be fully developed or understood in young firms, with home-office often blurring boundaries further. Yet it is crucial that integrity be part of daily decision-making. Neglecting integrity in daily business can have especially far-reaching negative – if not legal – consequences, damaging a startup’s reputation. On the other hand, running a business with integrity generates trust, which in turn promotes economic success, and stakeholder relations. In her latest article, Dr. Katja Nagel discusses which concrete steps startups can take to reap the benefits of running a business with integrity. Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Integrität zahlt sich aus: Warum Startups Werte und Moral endlich ernstnehmen sollten“, in: Business Insider, 26.03.2021,

In an interview with ZRFC, Dr. Katja Nagel talks about how compliance inspires her both on a professional and personal level

What is compliance? What do you consider to be the greatest future challenge in compliance management? What role do you think compliance management will play in companies in the future? These are just a handful of the pertinent questions that Dr. Katja Nagel, founder and Managing Director of the GOII, elaborated on in her interview with Dr. Müller, editor at ZRFC. Find out more on what inspires Dr. Nagel in terms of compliance, both professionally and personally, in the full interview.

Read the full interview here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Compliance bewegt…“, in: ZRFC, 30.03.2021,

Why integrity belongs on the communications agenda

In difficult times, value-driven action is more important than ever in companies. But integrity is not always a top priority for many managers - a fatal signal to the workforce. If home office makes the rules less present, communication measures must be taken to strengthen a culture of integrity. Dr. Katja Nagel spoke about these topics in an interview with News Aktuell.

Read the full interview here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Warum Integrität auf die Kommunikationsagenda gehört“, in: News Aktuell, 23.04.2021,

Startups & Integrity: Profiting from Values

Most companies are facing immense challenges due to the corona pandemic. The change not only affects established companies and corporations; start-ups are also affected by the uncertainties. Organizations worldwide find themselves in a fundamental performance trap. Now it is becoming clear what values are actually worth. And integrity is also relevant for startups: to reduce risks and to increase company value. Read the full article by Dr. Katja Nagel here.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Startups & Integrität: Von Werten profitieren​​​“, S. 64, in: Startup Valley, Version 03/2021,

Strengthening integrity in the German financial center

Now more than ever, companies are being called upon to behave with integrity and to remember ethical principles that have been known for a long time. After all, it is precisely in uncertain times that the temptation to act unlawfully is much greater. Investors in particular pay attention to the sustainability of business models. But for compliance to succeed, it should be flanked by a strong culture of integrity. However, this does not develop automatically, but must be anchored through active culture management.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Skandale in der Wirtschaft. Stärkung der Integrität am deutschen Finanzplatz", in: die bank, 07.05.2021,

Integrity as the basis for corporate success

The sustainable success of a company depends to a large extent on whether all employees share a common view that integrity and compliance are the yardsticks for all actions. A culture of integrity is therefore a key success factor. In her article, Dr. Nagel talks about how this can be achieved.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Integrität als Grundlage für den Unternehmenserfolg​​​“, S. 2, in: KMU-Magazin, 06.06.2021

Compliance and integrity as a means of prevention

In times of uncertainty and constant change, an effective compliance management system is no longer sufficient as the sole instrument for preventing violations. A stable and acted upon value orientation within the organization is needed. A strong culture of integrity should therefore be a top priority. Dr. Nagel comments on this in the Platow Top Topic as a guest commentator.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Compliance und Integrität als Mittel zur Prävention“, in: Platow Recht, Nr. 67, 16.06.2021,

Compliance & Integrity: Role of Supervisory Boards

Organizational integrity is more important than ever these days. What's more, in the wake of the pandemic, integrity and values-based behavior are not only the prerequisite, but the justification for a company's existence. The supervisory board has a crucial role to play in this context. A comment by Dr. Nagel.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: “Compliance & Integrität: Rolle der Aufsichtsräte“, in: Online-Zeitschrift für GRC & Datenschutz, 14.07.2021,

AI: The ethical responsibility dilemma

Artificial intelligence is taking on more and more tasks in industry and research. But the decisions of an AI are made according to the black-box principle. Nevertheless, ethical responsibility is necessary in companies. GOII on this balancing act between AI regulation and innovation.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Härter, Hendrik: “KI: Das Dilemma mit der ethischen Verantwortung“, in: Elektronik Praxis, 12.08.2021,

Perception Workshops as a core element of a global Integrity & Compliance Engagement Program

A strong culture of integrity is of fundamental importance for value-oriented actions and decisions. Yet integrity often remains an abstract and elusive construct. So how do you make integrity accessible, build a strong integrity culture, and measure improvement potentials and successes? One solution is offered by the Perception Workshops, as successfully used by the Volkswagen Group. GOII and Volkswagen share their experience.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja; Heine, Tobias; Dr. Gröger, Nadine: “Perception Workshops als Kernelement eines umfassenden, weltweiten Integrity & Compliance Engagement Programms“, in: Compliance Berater, 26.08.2021.

Hand in Hand: Compliance & Integrity

Companies in the food industry are currently being asked more than ever to act with integrity. The reason: increasingly restrictive requirements and legal guidelines. A comment by Dr. Katja Nagel.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (PDF).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Hand in Hand: Compliance & Integrität​​​“, S. 116, in: recht – Die Zeitschrift für Europäisches Lebensmittelrecht, Issue 3/2021.

Profiting sustainably from integrity

More than ever, the automotive industry hinges on behavior with integrity and long-established ethical principles. Especially in uncertain times, however, the temptation to act illegally is much higher. Dr. Katja Nagel on what matters now.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Von gelebter Integrität nachhaltig profitieren“, in: Springer Professional, 14.09.2021,

Artificial intelligence: how algorithms should decide

AI is increasingly opening up new opportunities for businesses. However, AI also poses new challenges, especially ethical ones. After all, companies need to establish value frameworks for fair, morally responsible AI use. Dr. Katja Nagel on what is needed.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: “ Künstliche Intelligenz: Wie Algorithmen werten sollten“, in: HR-Journal, 08.11.2021,

Why organizational integrity is now more important than ever

Integrity as an inner attitude, decision-making criterion and basis for behavior is increasingly becoming a protective and productive factor. Jana Hecker talks about how companies can benefit sustainably, why a company's value system is becoming increasingly important, especially in times of crisis, why mere compliance is not enough, and what the role of managers is.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Hecker, Jana: „Unternehmensintegrität jetzt wichtiger ist denn je“, in:, 04.04.2022,

Strengthening integrity in the facility management industry

Organizational value awareness is more important than ever these days. It is a prerequisite and justification for a company's existence. Compliance executives and decision-makers in facility management and the real estate industry have a decisive role to play in this context.

Please be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here (pdf).

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Stärkung der Integrität in der Immobilienwirtschaft“, in: Facility Management, 03.05.2022.

Trust was yesterday, control is tomorrow

The introduction of the new supply chain system at the beginning of next year represents another milestone in making companies more accountable. Why this is far more than a new bureaucratic regulation and why companies should take this as an opportunity to establish holistic integrity management.

Dr. Nagel, Katja: „Vertrauen war gestern, Kontrolle ist morgen“, in: Der Handel, 21.04.2022.

Integrity: Indispensable for a culture of trust

A strong integrity culture is not a product of chance, because integrity must be managed professionally.
How can HR get involved here?

Pleases be aware that the article was published in German.

Read the full article here.

Hecker, Jana: „Integrität: Unverzichtbar für eine Vertrauenskultur“, in: HR Journal, 09.05.2022.

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