Control your organizational integrity and monitor your change.

Following the measurement and improvement of your organizational integrity it is possible to gain an overview of the change you have made. Follow-up assessments allow you to track your organization’s success story.

Integrity Index® and Integrity Perception Workshop®

The Integrity Index® and the Integrity Perception Workshop® are based on frameworks that allow for recurring measurements. They can be repeated and therefore, results can be collected and compared. Thus, evidence of successful improvements can be demonstrated, and the effectiveness of improvement measures can be tracked and controlled.

Our recommendation is that the Integrity Index® should be repeated every two years, as some improvement measures and new processes need time to be implemented. In contrast, the Integrity Perception Workshop® could be repeated every year, as its framework reinforces knowledge of and motivation for integrity, while simultaneously conducting a measurement of the latter.

Get in touch with our integrity advisors

Our committed integrity experts are happy to provide you with an individual solution.

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