We have a strong network of scientific and research partners.
Major challenges are best met by combined knowledge
The members of our network serve as our advisors, supporters, partners, research fellows and, together, as a best practice community. We combine our network’s knowledge and experience to offer our clients customized solutions.
Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI)
The ECI is a best practice community of organizations that are committed to creating and sustaining high quality ethics and compliance programs. With a history dating back to 1922, the ECI brings together ethics and compliance professionals and academics from all over the world to share techniques, research and, most of all, exciting new ideas.
The ECI is the leading provider of independent research on workplace integrity, ethical standards, and compliance processes and practices in public and private institutions. Its research includes the long-standing National Business Ethics Survey® (NBES) of workplace conduct in the United States and the more recent Global Business Ethics Survey® (GBES) of workplaces in leading world economies.
Both the Integrity Index® and the Integrity Perception Workshop® have been developed based on the ECI’s research and best practices.
The GOII is a member of the ECI.
Institute of Business Ethics (ibe)
The Institute of Business Ethics (ibe) was established in 1986 to promote high standards of business behavior based on ethical values.
The ibe advises organizations on how to strengthen their ethical culture by sharing knowledge and good practice.
We are a member of the ibe as we believe that knowledge transfer and best-practice sharing make a significant contribution to sustainably embedding and addressing integrity and compliance in organizations.